Monday, February 28, 2011

Butchers Bowling Alley Wax

Braze yellow! Onra

Ennesima delle schegge fuoriuscite dal corpo esploso, ahinoi, di J Dilla , this Parisian Vietnamese mother, Onra precisely, we discovered this summer, when he left the LP Long Distance. Of course in August, with the hot computer, the desire to write something about possibilities than he had the desire to go jump to Chiapparo . We recover now, saying that although it is not difficult to recognize the J Dilla syncopated rhythms and broken beats reminiscent of Flying Lotus sounds associated with deep electro and funk, the attitude that the foam from the 21 track disc Onra is gayer and glitters. Certainly there are details, but the level of production is still very high.

informed me, then, this Micha Soul soulsinger cleavage by murderess that you can find the single Soulfood , first from the album Soul Seven Sins in the network. The piece has the right energy, but I could not hear the rest of the disk and the old songs on myspace they taste a little more 'green. I also looked at the big girl Bologna blog, which talks a bit 'strange roads leading to the "success", "p rhyme of all, I should declare my marital status to the whole world, I had to attend to more gigs and in clubs with such sculettare di tanga fuori dal pantalone e di tacco 17. Mi sarei dovuta passare la lingua sulle labbra mentre parlavo con persone "che contano", invece di starmene nel mio angolo a vivere il disagio della misantropia.
Avrei dovuto osare e spogliarmi di più nelle foto, avrei dovuto mostrare al mondo intero che ho due tette che le siliconate possono solo sognare di avere". Questo è lavoro per il Moralizzatore.


Sample Career Fair Invitation

31 mass graves in Hakkari and around

Hakkari (Diha) - The section of Yüksekova Meya-DER announced yesterday during a conference Print it had identified 31 mass graves filled with 390 bodies in Hakkari and in its surroundings. The representative of the DER-Meya Yüksekova has asked state authorities to open those graves and identify the bodies so they can be delivered to their relatives for burial ceremony. "Every kind of human rights are violated in the region. Security forces in this area have worked almost like a death machine. They chose to kill people instead of saving them. Then they put them together wherever they wanted, without any registration or proper process.
No one deserves to be treated that modo.Ora some of these cases are being unearthed along with the bones and bodies, reveal that le atrocita' sono piu' grandi di quello che avevamo stimato."
Cakir ha fatto appello a ognuno che sospetti che i loro figli o le loro figlie siano in queste fosse a rivolgersi all'associazione.Cakir ha anche presentato la lista delle fosse comuni e la loro dislocazione.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Atrial Fibrillation 5 Hours

55 boys arrested in a week

 Nonostante le modifiche legali alla legge antiterrorismo, 75 ragazzini sono stati posti sotto custodia durante l'ultima settimana. 55 di loro sono stati arrestati e incarcerati. Amnesty International ha lanciato una campagna per i ragazzini vittime della legge antiterrorismo.
La legge antiterrorismo (TMY) prepara il terreno per l'arresto e the heavy punishment of thousands of children and young people simply because they took part in demonstrations. The amendments to the Anti-Terrorism Act
made in July 2010 did not bring the expected clemency. Now that the Court applies the Articles 220 / 6 and 314 / 2 of the contested law. So, children are accused respectively of "committing a crime on behalf of an organization" and "membership of an armed organization."
The juvenile court instead of criminal courts.
Keziban Yılmaz's lawyer said that the amendments to the TMY mean that the children and young people participated in the events should not be tried on charges of "crimes of terror" for crimes allegedly committed during the manifestazioni.Tuttavia are still listed as members of illegal organizations for all other types of crimes.

Canan Atabay of Diyarbakır Bar Association has pointed out that many kids are being sued on charges of throwing Molotov, since this crime was not removed from the scope of the sentence by the amendments of TMY.

While children and young people arrested were tried before the Criminal Court before the amendments, now sono attualmente sotto processo per le stesse ragioni nei Tribunali per i Minorenni.

Molte azioni di protesta sono state effettuate attorno al 15 Febbraio per ricordare il giorno quando il leader dell'armato Partito dei Lavoratori del Kurdistan (PKK) Abdullah Ocalan e' stato consegnato alla Turchia.Ocalan e' incarcerato sull'isola di Imrali (Mare di Marmara) sin dal 1999.

Nel corso delle manifestazioni di quest'anno,molti ragazzini sono stati posti sotto custodia a Istanbul,Diyarbakir,Mersin,
Hakkari Batman, Mersin, Urfa, Adana, Van, Siirt e Şırnak citta' a maggioranza Kurda nel sud est della Turchia.Un total of 55 children were arrested and imprisoned by the Juvenile Court under Articles 220 / 6 and 314 / 2 of the TMY.

Amnesty International has criticized the authorities' Turkish

Amnesty International launched a campaign for kids who have been placed in custody and arrested for simply participating in an event from 2006 until

Amnesty International said that thousands of children have been subject to action giudiziaria.L 'organization has admitted that the amendments made last year
been appreciated but points out that as result not all the kids were released from prison.

As reported by Fırat News Agency (ANF) Amnesty International has urged officials to respect international standards on human rights and the law on the Turkish judicial system
for minors.

The authorities' Turkish have not fulfilled the requirement for a reliable, consistent and effective investigation into the mistreatment of children detained in police custody and interrogation.

BirGün Newspaper, ANF, Diha

February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mercedes Commercial Song 2010

Friday 25 Alberto Campo Lecce

Per gran parte degli anni Novanta la rivista Rumore è stato lo strumento più evoluto che ci metteva in comunicazione con il mondo alternativo musicale italiano. Io per esempio, molto sfigato da parte mia, mi sono fatto le seghe lì sopra.
Tra i suoi giornalisti più autorevoli c’era e c’è ancora Alberto Campo, che vanta un curriculum di tutto rispetto, avendo collaborato per anni con Rai, La Repubblica, XL e tanto altro e avendo pubblicato, tra le altre cose, un libro che è in tutte le biblioteche d’Italia, Get Back! (Laterza), un bignamino che ripercorre la storia del rock a ritroso da Eminem a Elvis.
Fu lui che, da cronista al Sudestudio di Campi Salentina, fece un bel pezzone sulla scena indie salentina intervistando Studio Davoli, Giorgio Tuma, Populous and Stefano Manca. It was he who coined that occasion, the expression of "Martians in Salento.
All this, which has the air of an obituary from The Dead of the Month, it is actually to let you know that Golf is Friday at Lecce Officine cacophony of music. All the info here .


Bike Jumps/ramps For Sale

The shameful record of the AKP: 196,000 persons brought before the Court on the basis of trumped-up charges

ANKARA (Diha)-The President of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Demirtas has criticized the administration of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) for its shameful record . In addition, continued: 196,000 people have been brought before the Court in 53,193 cases over the past 8 years. Although the definition of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey as a "land of freedom" 83,000 people have been punished. Demirtas stated in the recent democratic uprising and the domino effect of overturning dictatorships across the Middle East, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt , And now perhaps in Bahrain and Yemen, all in the last mese.I Middle Eastern countries are hot and are giving us a good example of how the cancer will sell oppression 'way to the last uprisings for freedom'. " reports of 'AKP traveling with these countries on the principle "that the ox's horn."

Erdoğan can not' say that he had criticized the dictators of these countries. El-Basher has been hailed as a king and so was for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We hope that these riots are a lesson for such situations. The record of the judicial system shows the great oppression of our own citizens. No one can guarantee continuity to the existing regime turkish. "

He also pointed to other figures during the period of eight years of AKP administration. In the same 8 years 4,289 women were killed by relatives' close. This number was 66 in the year when the AKP administration took power. It 's just a coincidence?

recently state officials have raped a girl of 12 years and some of them were acquitted, others have received a slap on the wrist with a warning. Meanwhile, a Kurdish boy suffers regularly 17 years in prison for throwing stones. Recently, a boy of 13 years can 'be shot dead with 12 bullets in front of his house, and the murderess, an officer Police and 'was released. "

Finally, he repeated the common question of many Kurds to form a" Commission of Truth' "in order to investigate properly the many suspected cases of Kurds died during the past two decades,
including the period of administration of AKP.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Brute Force Ear Guards

under observation: (M + A)

It took a few minutes, a touch of glockenspiel and whispers and melodic lo-fi to convince me that the right thing to do last night was going to see the (M + A) preview of ' Homework Festival Space Yes Bologna.
Their first self-titled album is a concentration of electronic glitch pop and juggling extra pop. Out of time, you say: maybe, but do all too well, better than most at that time and still continue to torture the lesson of Grandaddy and the rest. Without forgetting, important detail, which are Italian and very young.
Striking since dall'artwork disk, accompanied by photos and illustrations that would be enough to explain their 11 tracks, the sounds and synthetic crossing a cold Nordic sunny day. On stage you expect to see them bent over the machine, instead sing, play keyboards, blow diamonica in and beat on drums.
I say they are working on a new album and for my part I have already started to woo her to see them next summer in Salento. Who knows ...

ascoltatevi Meanwhile the work of 2010, then tell me.


(m + a) new album by (m + a)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Free Religious Get Well Letter Samples

police violence in Diyarbakir

15/02/2011 Photo Dhia


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Place To Buy Rare Tech Decks

George Tuma's In The Morning We'll Meet. A taste fleeting

Waiting for the release of In the Morning We'll Meet the third chapter of George Tuma - which of course needs no introduction here - this is the one pill together with the beautiful images of Valentina Eagle. Ethereal, poetic, delicate as he alone.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Creatine Heart Enlargement

Download: Underneath the Pine Toro y Moi

disk is full of this substance Underneath the Pine (Carpark, 2011) of Toro y Moi, those who fish from the encyclopaedia of popular music, volumes 60 and 70. Vintage patina but feeling at the end of two thousand years.
The talented half-breed of South Carolina, which, remember, comes from a genre called electronic journalists chillwave , strong steer in the recent past and near to the best and compare à la page at the moment. It does not take long to realize, in fact, how this new album is related to the recent releases "dream / psycho + something" typical of the ever mentioned or even Ariel Pink Tame Impala or Atlas Sound that made the sound of 2010. Something else for Toro y Moi are the Seventies in their darkest mood, metropolitan, those with low character, but reinterpreted in a soft voice, torn and faded as it uses today.
There's soft pop, elements of kraut rock, white soul, disco, jazz / funk and even fusion. OMG, so that could also be the Jamiroquai! But no, do not worry, at most, they imagine a shy and taciturn cousin, who has cheated the years of carefree with Stereolab e che spera di non incontrare mai i figli fighi dello zio stronzo arricchito .
Seek and download.


Pinky Adult Film Star Clip

"... The Kurdish issue should be dealt with primarily as a question of democratization. The Kurdish identity must be guaranteed by the constitution and the legal system. The new constitution should contain an item with the following wording:" The Constitution of the Republic Turkey recognizes the existence of all its cultures and expression in a democratic manner. "It is sufficient that way."
Abdullah Ocalan
prison confinement, Island of Imrali

Monday, February 14, 2011

2007 Chevrolet Extended Cab Subwoofer Enclosure

Populous on Mars

Ci eravamo persi questo video di Populous With Short Stories, firmato dal solito Stefano Tramacere. Il pezzo è "Only Hope" e la scenografia marziana è quella cava di bauxite di Otranto. In Salento, non in Arizona.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vanishing Point Movie

Iron & Wine @ Locomotiv - Bologna

Ieri sera al Locomotiv di Bologna, i brividi.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sympathy Thank You Coworkers

Abdullah Ocalan Kurds march Saturday in Strasbourg for Turkey Ocalan

Saturday in Strasbourg, the Kurds still time take to the streets to demand freedom for their political leader, Abdullah Ocalan . Ocalan was captured in Kenya on 15 February 1999 . The Kurdish leader had arrived in Italy in November 1998 in an attempt to bring the Kurdish question in Europe. Italy first, and then Europe, but the door slammed in my face. This widespread appeal by the Kurds during the demonstration in Strasbourg:

Abdullah Ocalan and considered by women and men Kurds their political representative. The three and a half million signatures on the occasion of the 2006 campaign are evidence of this. He is their most important representative nella lotta per i diritti e la democrazia ed è il simbolo della libertà. Öcalan è contro il separatismo e la secessione e ha presentato un progetto per una soluzione democratica per il Medio Oriente e per i suoi popoli, senza discriminazione alcuna.

Dal 1993 Öcalan proclamando armistizi unilaterali ha favorito le condizioni per una soluzione politica del conflitto. Anche dopo il suo rapimento illegale e la sua incarcerazione che risale al 1999 Ocalan si è impegnato per una soluzione politica e pacifica della questione curda. In seguito ad un suo proclama, la guerriglia, nonostante i continui attacchi alla quale è sottoposta, ha messo in atto, dall’aprile del 2009, unilateralmente un blocco alle azioni militari.

Dal 1999, il comitato antitortura (CPT) critica il disumano stato d’isolamento a cui è sottoposto Ocalan sull’isola di Imrali. E ’stato l’unico detenuto sull’isola prigione di Imrali sottoposto alla sorveglianza di più di mille soldati e completamente isolato dal modo esterno. Dal 2009 sono detenuti ad Imrali altre cinque persone che solo raramente Öcalan ha l ́opportunità di in – contrare. Continuano ad essere negati i diritti fondamentali e le condizioni di detenzione ad Imrali rimangono di gran lungo peggiori delle altre carceri. La responsabilità di tutto questo è unicamente del governo, considerato che i militari non hanno più nessuno control over that prison.

The government pretends to implement democratic reforms and in the meantime, many mayors and hundreds of other Kurdish politicians are Arre - state, Kurdish deputies dragged into court and imposed harsh penalties, including children and teenagers. The use of the Kurdish language and severely limited. There is still a state school in Turkey, where Kurdish is taught. The military bomb, when he pleases, even on Iraqi soil. The government initiative called the "initiative for Kurds" did not return any results - to. On the horizon promises an 'escalation of violence, encouraged by the duplicity of political action of the governing party, the AKP.

The AKP government tries once again to deceive world public opinion. Instead of reaching out to peace and to solve the Kurdish issue seriously, Erdogan and his ministers want to provoke the Kurds and break their will for peace. Encourage the actual pogrom against the Kurds, grant blank checks to the military, free to do what - any military operation in the world and speak of "democratic opening." Ocalan, has drawn a roadmap for peace, with concrete proposals for resolving the issue. The government wants to hide the world public the text written by Ocalan. It is well known for some time that the government has in place a "dialogue" with Ocalan. Now we must go one step further: serious negotiations for a political solution to the conflict.

We want peace and a democratic solution in Kurdistan and Turkey. We believe that Ocalan by his proposals and ideas can be the guarantor of democratic autonomy in a democratic republic. We must put an end to the inhuman isolation which has been subjected and to recognize and finally as a political party for a political solution.

Peace in Kurdistan

International Initiative "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan - Peace in Kurdistan" PO Box 100511, D-50445 Cologne, ,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Little Bit Of Love Can Go A Long Long Way

, first in Europe for human rights violations

Osservatorio Iraq, 28 January 2011
Turkey goes to the top spot in Europe for the violation of human rights. To allocate to the Ankara has been little field before the European Court of Human Rights, which yesterday announced its annual report on the old continent. The paper stresses that Turkey is the first country (in front of Russia) for the number of violations of the European Convention of Human Rights, signed by 47 states. Ankara - the Court states - remains at the levels the past year, with a share of 18.55 percent of total violations found. The most common violation (with 42 confirmed cases) and Article 6 of the Convention, which concerns the right to a fair trial. Second, however, is that of Article 5, concerning the freedom and security.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Battery Opperated Toy Dogs

under observation: Dumbo Gets Mad

Scoperta sorprendente questi Dumbo Gets Mad (conosciuti via Frigopop). Non si sa ancora molto di loro se non che sono italiani (!!!) e che si sono fatti conoscere un po’ di mesi fa con questo ottimo singolo Plumy Tale. Ora esce il loro primo album, Elefants at the door (Bad Panda, 2011, download qui ), che colpisce per la maniera originale di appiastricciare insieme psichedelia “classica” ( United States of America ad esempio) con certa psichedelia più “post”, anni Novanta e quasi loungeggiante, il tutto con un suono bassoso ai confini col dub che richiama cose più recenti anche se sempre old fashioned. Tra i contemporanei si possono associate Gonjasufi or Ariel Pink, but make sure the flour is whole lot of them. Expect to have more news about these mysterious characters.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Connect Hardrive To Hd Tv

Diverting Duo Brasi and Tone: Videos

Last December they played at home the Diverting Duo. We caused the low quality video that would improve and we waited alone, hoping that youtube implemettasse technology. Apparently this will take another few years, then better show as they are.
Look at them with eyes of someone who suffers from astigmatism and relax.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Before And After Anorexia How Long Did It Take

march for truth

Bitlis (Diha) - Thousands marched in the streets of Turkey to draw attention to the recent discovery of a mass grave containing the bodies of 18 Kurds Mutka, a district of Bitlis. Locals and people from Van, Diyarbakir, Mus, Batman Siirt and gathered in the morning to join the march. The march continued throughout the day to end at the grave, that state authorities are digging for just 10 days.
The association representing the relatives who have lost loved ones in Mesopotamia (Meya-DER) has called the march and held a press conference. Directors and Members of the BDP have attended the event.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is Yellow Urine A Symptom Of Menopause

Italy Wave Love Festival 2011 in Salento . The country is upside down

a bombshell for all local rockers and not bolt from the blue, or rather, the sudden light that illuminates' I'm gray sky.
The ultimate rock festival in Italy, Woodstock Noantri, the historic Arezzo Wave that was reversed by hundreds of Italian bands, as well known for its toxic degeneration and then finally riconvertitosi risanatosi in Italy and now makes Wave? He says that Tuscany is the narrow leaves. Of all the Salento Italy chooses to put roots - perhaps because they know that here ...
Now, though now become the Salento unbearable blow to the pride, we can not but be proud and satisfied because it is a sign of esteem for us, because we have some fun ', because there will be an induced tourism, economic and musical. And why the fuck we were right to preach that there is great potential below. Read the release notes :
Salento is the view for many years an area of \u200b\u200bvery high creative quotient, especially in the music. That's why the most famous rock festival in Italy, who chose to marry his philosophy, had no difficulty in finding a home in his 25th year of life. The arrival of the foundation Arezzo Wave is not that the last piece in a musical and artistic scene that does not seem willing to stop his productive research. From the night of Taranta and Sud Sound System, now considered icons of the music of the Salento, the revelations of the last five years, among which music Negramaro, Apres la Classe, Genius and Popoulous and many others not to speak at regional Caparezza, Nicola Conte.

than ever, is the Florence of Puglia Lecce - ... or perhaps we should say that Florence is the Lecce in Tuscany?? Italy capsized, chiaru.
