Monday, March 14, 2011

Cervical Spine Herniated Settlement Amount

Newroz 2011 in Rome

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pregnant Dog Black Poop

Newroz 2011 in Kurdistan March 8

The first fire of Newroz will be on March 17 in Igdir and Sirnak and celebrations followed in all the cities designated until March 21. Diyarbakir is aimed at a participation of over a million people for the most majestic and will celebrate the Newroz celebrations on March 20. The organizing committee of the Newroz Sirnak dedicated to the memory of more than 100 people have died following the intervention of the army in three days of celebrations in 1992.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Much Are Bottles Of Dom

Check a punk label in Lecce: O. It's called White Zoo

Did you know that in Lecce is a punk label? It's called White Zoo and has two months to live. Feisbook contacted via the "Strei" seem fucksters, with clear ideas and determined to work well. They themselves say that
Our organization is small but with a certain aggressiveness.
And like this. Small because they are three: Sergio "Piggy", Cristina Diez and Stefano Materazzi. In all honesty, we had never heard anyone around to share ste fan of old punk so specialized and fact to question where the hell you were so far answer: Not
We have done much apart from the first scratch my belly and play around the clapper.
Perfect, the clapper is the correct answer.
So, what does st'etichetta?
manufactures and would continue to produce albums of bands playing style protopunk, glam rock, 77 punk, power pop, weird & new garage, early hc (stuff the Dead Kennedys, Germs, etc..). " In just two months have published "two 7", Transex, "the heart of the State", and Judas, "Get over it," and two LP, Silver Cocks, of the same name, and Steaknives, "Devil Inside." Check out this page same screen: Idol Lips, and even Judas Blackmondays. We'd love to do a lot of things, among them was a pink vinyl issue and we did. And garage? If we ever produce a record is not something farfisa garage and helmets, but Davila 666, that's our kind of band "garage".
(we all knew one of them ...). But the real surprise is this:
add that if we had put on an indie rock label of the match would be the Thousands Millions.
Stay tuned.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Best Acupuncturist Salary

On March 8, International Women's Day was celebrated with enthusiasm in many cities in Kurdistan turkish. "March 8th is the day of the organized struggle of women against gender discrimination, war, violence, labor exploitation and all kinds of genocide." read a statement of Kurdish women.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

United Metal Goods Brooklyn Ny,coffee Urn

Bulletins World Kurdish

Organised by ' Information Office of the Kurdistan in Italy (Italian) (multilingual)

4. Bottle a hundred NGOs have urged the Prime Minister to investigate the mass graves . PROF. FINCANCI: IT 'S A SHAME TO OPEN WITH THE TOMBS excavators
6. INCREASE IN investigations and arrests against journalists KURDS
9. SHAME AKP RECORD: 196MILA people tried
CULTURE: TURKISH KURDISTAN, lost son. Barbara Antonelli
1. The turkish army did not stop during the ceasefire the PKK
-DIYARBAKIR (Diha) - The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has been subjected to repression and detention during the unilateral ceasefire announced 7 months ago. The budget from 13 August 2010 to February 28, 2011 prepared by the agency Dicle News Agency (Diha) makes grim reading. The figures reveal the sad truth regarding the government's response. During the period of the ceasefire, there are 35 members of the PKK who have lost their lives. The number of prisoners has reached 2,031, while arrests, these are mainly politicians and leaders or members of the Party of Peace and Democracy (BDP), for a total of 510 people. During the military operations and bombings in the region about 15 civilians were killed. In addition, during the same period were made turkish army military operations 140 and 162 artillery attacks. The demands of the Kurdish people to extend the cease-fire and turn it into permanent were rejected. Among these requirements is: to reduce the barrier election, enter into negotiations with the Kurdish party, put an end to military operations and enforcement of civil society, education in mother tongue and the release of Kurdish politicians.

2. Mothers for Peace occupy seats AKP
response government's silence on the end of the ceasefire the PKK
02.03.2011 - NEWSCENTRE (Diha) - The Mothers for Peace in Izmir and Istanbul occupy the buildings of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in response to the government's silence on ceasefire the PKK, which had been declared as a gesture of good will to promote the peace process. The buildings of the AKP Esenler, Avcilar, Bagcilar, Zeytinburnu, Küçükçekmece Kartal, Istanbul Gaziosmanpasa Sultanbeyli and were occupied by the Mothers of Peace, which initiated a garrison, so as was done in Bornova, Buca Karabağlar and in Izmir.

3. Provocation avoided by people with a bomb
March 2, 2010 - An unknown bomber, was arrested while trying to leave a bomb near a shopping center Zagos Yuksekova district of Hakkari. A person Yuksekova was stopped by people while trying to plant a bomb. A police officer was injured on the site. He had come as a result of an alert. The assailant, who was saved from being lynched by members of the BDP, and a friend of the same person were placed in custody. The timing of the attempt to challenge with the bomb could not be better coincide with the visit of President of the BDP in Yuksekova scheduled for tomorrow. People have tried to lynch the bomber, who owned a gun, just when the police arrived immediately on the site. The people stoned the police as he tried to take the bomber. At that point the police fired into the air and withdrew. When continued clashes between police and people, an unknown person has claimed to be a friend of the aggressor firing into the crowd from a shop. The police took the assailant from the store while people was heading toward him. While the bomber and his friend were placed under police custody, a boy was run over by a tank while trying to cross the roadblock with his bicycle. Severely wounded boy was taken to hospital. People started to gather in the center cittadino, mentre la polizia si è ritirata dalla scena dove sono state inviate squadre speciali.


4. Otre un centinaio di ONG hanno sollecitato il Primo ministro ad investigare sulle fosse comuni  
18/02/2011 - DIYARBAKIR (DIHA) – Centodue organizzazioni non governative di Diyarbakir hanno fatto appello al Primo ministro Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sollecitandolo ad aprire un'ichiesta sulle fosse comuni. Melek Tornak, portavoce delle organizzazioni, ha letto la dichiarazione congiunta delle ONG: “Secondo il rapporto della Associazione dei Diritti Umani (IHD), 171 corpi sono stati rinvenuti in 26 fosse e ci sono ancora 88 fosse comuni con 298 corpi, mentre altre fosse comuni sono ancora da rinvenire. Noi chiediamo urgentemente al Governo di aprire un'inchiesta sulle fosse comuni. L'utilizzo delle fosse comuni ha fatto parte della politica governativa di “lotta al terrorismo”, ma è chiaro che questa politica ha violato i diritti umani fondamentali e le leggi di guerra internazionali” ha detto Tornak.

5. Prof. Fincancı: E’ una vergogna aprire le tombe con le scavatrici  
10 Febbraio 2011 - Kurdish Info - Il presidente dell’associazione di medicina legale e della fondazione turca per i Diritti Umani (TIHV) Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı urged to avoid further trauma to the relatives of the disappeared, and aprestare attention when opening the graves and tombs. It 's a shame, he said, make use of the excavators. It would take the help of archaeologists, anthropologists, forensic experts and the involvement of lawyers, especially when you have to do with the crimes of Mutka and it would take the presence of independent observers and civil society organizations, especially when the state is involved in these crimes
E 'need for a practice that brings respect for the dead. Must stop the destruction of the tracks caused by excavators ed i luoghi della sepoltura devono essere documentati come scene del crimine. Fincancı, ha ulteriormente chiarito: “ Se si da uso delle scavatrici, si distruggono le tracce dove sono avvenuti questi reati. Le scavatrici riducono tutto a poltiglia, al punto che non è più possibile poi fare delle analisi del DNA sui resti di ossa ritrovati. Inoltre, la posizione delle ossa sarebbe di grande importanza da un punto di vista legale per farci capire in che modo i corpi sono stati sepolti. Sinora mai un archeologo è stato portato su questi luoghi e non si è mai scavato con cura. I reperti dovrebbero essere documentati, fotografati, numerati e raccolti con sistematicità e messi in relazione tra di loro.  I pubblici ministeri dovrebbero make use of more advanced methods such as "SLIK" in order to investigate the organic remains. Fincancı asked that are taken into account other fields such as anthropology and archeology that is put into ensuring the safety of tracks and a proper procedure. Furthermore, in crimes where the suspected presence of the State, should be involved civil society organizations. There should be the Human Rights Association (IHD) and independent observers. Fincancı further said: "These investigations are absolutely done. We learn from the press that Mutko bodies were found bound with each other. Obviously it should be noted a lot of negligence in the investigation. Fincancı said that the documents were produced without once death control the dead, with obvious abuse of power.
DOSSIER FOR THE NEW KNK into the mass graves:

6. Increased investigations and arrests against journalists Kurds
-NEWS CENTRE (Diha) - A journalist of the Dicle News Agency (Diha), Abdullah Çetin, was brought before the Court for having "done propaganda for an illegal organization ", a charge based on the news that were posted on the website of the Firat Information (ANF) Çetin was placed in custody when he was having to cover the news of the funeral of Asiye Gündüz, killed during an armed clash last year near Tatvan district of Bitlis. Confiscated the video recording, the phone and other materials related to the news, the police had issued the statement after collection. V The High Criminal Court of Diyarbakir has requested five years' imprisonment for the journalist. Still, the editorial staff of Emine Kutal Azadiya Welat, Kurdish-language newspaper distributed in Turkey, was sentenced to 10 months in prison for having "made propaganda for an illegal organization." Was placed in custody when he was 23 November 2008 Uniformly distributed daily to Menemen, a district of Izmir. (OJ)

7. Shameful record of the AKP: 196mila people tried
22/02/2011 - ANKARA (Diha) - The co-chairman of the party of democracy and peace (BDP) Selahattin Demirtaş criticized the Justice and Development Party (AKP) to power. Demirtaş called it a "shameful record" to 196mila persons brought before the courts, clearly 53,193 people in 8 years. Referring to the "land of liberty" - an expression used by the Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to define Turkey - Selahattin Demirtaş spoke to 83,000 people were convicted. “Potrete trovare un sacco di cose in questa fotografia tranne la libertà” ha continuato. “I paesi del Medio Oriente stanno ribollendo e ci stanno dando molti buoni esempi su come scacciare il cancro dell'oppressione per giungere alla libertà. Le relazioni del governo dell'AKP con questi paesi corre lungo il principio del “bue che dà del cornuto all'asino”. Erdoğan non può dire di aver criticato i dittatori di quei paesi. Al-Bashir è stato accolto come un re. Così pure Mahmoud Ahmedinejad e così via. Noi speriamo che queste rivolte possano servire da lezione per situazioni simili. Tale record di arresti e condanne ci mostra la forte oppressione perpetrata contro i nostri concittadini. Nessuno può garantirne continued. "He also outlined some other situations that occurred during the eight years of the AKP administration:" In those same eight years 4,289 women were murdered by their kin. There were 66 units in the year the AKP came to power. This is just a coincidence? Or what about the many men, especially the police, who after raping girls as young as 12 years have been acquitted? Others who have obtained a discount of sentence for good behavior, while a child has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for throwing a stone? Or the child under 13 killed with 12 bullets in front of the house and the fact that the policeman who killed him has been released? ". Demirtaş finally renewed the joint request of the Kurds to form a "truth commission" to investigate the many suspected cases over the past two decades, including the period of the AKP government. (Gu)

8. 55 children arrested in a week for amendments to the Criminal Code turkish
-DIYARBAKIR (Diha) - In a week held 55 children of 72, were arrested a second amendment of the Turkish Penal Codiec (TMK) . Changes in the TMK would prevent the arrests of children and avoid heavy penalties. The Chairman of the smaller of the Association of Human Rights (IHD), the lawyer Keziban Yılmaz, ha sottolineato che gli emendamenti al TMK sono solo di facciata giacché non hanno conseguenze significative riguardo al trattenimento di minori sotto processo. “Finora i minori sono stati accusati di appartenere ad un'organizzazione illegale e potrebbero essere condannati a pene pesanti secondo gli articoli 220 comma 6 e 314 comma 2. Questi articoli permettono di portare i bambini trattenuti davanti alla Corte per gravi condotte. Il Governo aveva fatto molto rumore quando gli emendamenti presumibilmente a favore dei bambini detenuti erano stati promulgati. La procedura del sistema giudiziario ci dimostra ben altro” ha detto Yilmaz. Incolpando il Governo di creare un'illusione riguardo ai bambini detenuti, Yilmaz ha sottolineato che i menzionati Articles are the real problem and no change was made on these. He added that leaving the children suffer processes as if they were adults, does not comply with the provisions of international conventions on human rights and the rights of children already ratified by Turkey.

9. Juvenile courts instead of criminal courts
Keziban Yılmaz's lawyer said that the amendments to the Anti-Terror Law (TMY) mean that the children and young people who took part in demonstrations should not be tried on charges of "crimes of terrorism "for crimes allegedly committed during the demonstrations. However, they are ancora accusati di essere membri di organizzazioni illegali per tutti gli altri tipi di crimini. L'avvocato Canan Atabay del Baro di Diyarbakır ha sottolineato che molti ragazzini sono citati in giudizio con l'accusa di lancio di Molotov, dato che questo reato non è stato rimosso dal campo di applicazione della pena dagli emendamenti al TMY.  Mentre i bambini e i giovani arrestati sono stati processati davanti al Tribunale penale prima che gli emendamenti fossero approvati, ora sono sotto processo per le stesse ragioni presso i Tribunali per i Minorenni. Molte azioni di protesta sono state effettuate attorno al 15 Febbraio per ricordare il giorno quando il leader del fuori legge Partito dei Lavoratori del Kurdistan (PKK) Abdullah Ocalan è stato consegnato Turkey. Ocalan is held on the island of Imrali (Marmara Sea) since that day in 1999. During the events of this year, many children were placed in custody in Istanbul, Diyarbakir, Mersin, Hakkari, Batman, Mersin, Urfa, Adana, Van, Siirt and Sirnak, all Kurdish-dominated city in southeastern Turkey. A total of 55 children were arrested and imprisoned by a decision of the juvenile courts under Articles 220 / 6 and 314 / 2 of the TMY.

Amnesty International has criticized the Turkish authorities Amnesty International launched a campaign for kids who have been placed in custody and arrested for simply participating in a demonstration from 2006 until today. Amnesty International said that thousands of children were subject to prosecution. The organization acknowledged that the amendments made last year were appreciated, but stresses that as a result not all the kids were released from prison. As reported by Fırat News Agency (ANF) Amnesty International has urged officials to respect international standards on human rights and the law on the Turkish judicial system for minors. The Turkish authorities have not fulfilled the requirement for a reliable, consistent and effective investigation into the mistreatment of children detained in police custody and interrogation.

10. FLASH! Scheduled for 12 giugno la data delle elezioni politiche
Istanbul, 25 feb. (TMNews) - Saranno il 12 giugno prossimo le elezioni politiche turche. Lo ha deciso la Commissione Affari Costituzionali della Tbmm, la Grande Assemblea Nazionale turca, con votazione all'unanimità.

11. CULTURA: Kurdistan turco, figlie perdute
In uno straordinario documentario la regista kurda Nezahat Gündogdu racconta la storia delle ragazze di Dersim e del processo di 'turchizzazione' che ha tentato di cancellare la loro identità
Di Barbara Antonelli

Una ciocca di capelli. È quello che le ragazze scomparse di Dersim hanno lasciato dietro di loro, alle loro madri, alle loro families. A lock of hair that recalls the horror of Turkish military operations launched between 1937-38 against the city of Dersim, where the majority of the population was made up of Kurdish Alevis.
Two of them met again 70 years later, recount the trauma they had faced, the loss, far from home, from their village, tearing from their roots, the ban on speaking Kurdish. The removal of his past through what Kemal Atatürk claimed as an attempt to "bring civilization." Shown at the International Festival of Istanbul in April and arrived in Rome in mid-December in Hèviya Azadiye (Hope of Freedom), the third Kurdish Film Festival, an exhibition sponsored by Eastern Europe, the documentary The missing girls of Dersim, reconstructs the thread of the narrative, the tragic events that shook the valley of the river Monzur: hundreds of young girls, exile, return to the families of high-ranking soldiers to be "Turkification". The author is the documentary
Nezahat Gündoðdu, born in the province of Erzican in 1968, and raised in Istanbul, which remained in Turkish prisons for six years because of his political opinions, while still enrolled in the faculty of architecture of Thrace. She came free in 2001 and is passionate about cinema took over three years di ricerca, alla fine dei quali è riuscita a rintracciare 50 ragazze scomparse; di altre 70 ha ricostruito i nomi dei familiari. Altre centinaia rimangono un passato senza nome. In mano ai loro famigliari solo due ciocche di capelli, che è anche il sottotitolo del documentario della Gündogdu, e che rispecchia una tradizione di Dersim.

Sono state delle inchieste e dei reportage giornalistici nel 2008 a rivelare al pubblico turco questo tragico capitolo che la storia ufficiale ha cercato negli anni di cancellare. Nezahat Gündogdu, è partita dagli archivi per poi lasciare spazio alla ricerca sul campo, ha cercato le sopravvissute e le ha lasciate parlare. Nel documentario due storie si intrecciano e sovrappongono: quella raccontata in prima person by two girls who have experienced exile and deportation, and that of two families who still seek their missing girls. Huriye in '38 was 8 years old, lived with his uncle, was captured while hiding in the woods and brought to Ovacik, then Elaziz: there the first meeting with a razor. Many of them say they were shaved, then taken for a swim, took the measure of their feet, to find their shoes fit. Lost son, forced to learn turkish, which for years were forbidden to speak their mother tongue. During the operation many women suffered physical violence. Years later, in the eyes of seventy cousins \u200b\u200binterviewed by the director can understand how much is difficult for them to tell and tell. An incredible journey back to recover their identity. Also because the military operations of 1937-38, continued in the form of cultural repression until the '90s, a repression that is instilled in the minds of those who is originally from the valleys and generated another silence.
Examine the history of Dersim means to reveal a taboo. That is why in an interview with producer Kazim Gündogan Hurryet (Daily news and Economic Review) said that during searches for the film have been warned: "we were told we would have risked my life and there was the fact 'example of Hrant Dink " (Armenian journalist murdered in Istanbul in 2007 outside the offices of his newspaper Agos). But times change, even if that same director of this film would not have been imaginable just a few years ago. That generation who lived tragic events in Dersim was made in silence. Today, their children have started to demand their rights. Open a confrontation with history is to avoid new disasters. "During the past summer, and her husband brought Gündogan Rakel Dink, the wife of journalist Hrant Dink in Dersim together with other Turkish journalists and commentators. The documentary has won such an important role in public debate on the turkish military operation, the massacre 1938, although it is still difficult to replace the truth that the Turkish official history. Dersim in Kurdish meaning "door staff" is the ancient name of today's province of Tunceli, an "iron fist", so it was renamed at the time: one of the provinces with the greatest loss of population, not just Kurdish Alevis (which in Turkey are the second largest religious community after the Sunnis), but also Armenians. Kemal Atatürk said that "the question of Dersim was the central issue of our internal politics." "An abscess repellent, called him. So much so that in 1936 the State turkish declared a state of emergency and asked residents surrender their weapons in the valley: Alevi uprisings were repressed in bloodshed. According to official data at least 10% of the population of Dersim was killed: wineskin 13,000 civilian casualties, 22,000 exiles, orphans, and were subjected to strict policies "Turkification" (the unofficial figures speak of numbers but very different) . The challenge to the Turkish official history has recently reappeared in the book published by Saltuk Hasan, owner of record label Kalan, researcher and ethnomusicologist author of a new text on the 1938 massacres of Dersim published in 2010 after nine years of research through photographs, historical documents and field interviews. Because what is a trauma of Dersim radicato nella coscienza kurda e nelle menti di chi è originario di quelle provincie, plasmate tra le montagne. Raffigura l’esilio per antonomasia. E ancora l’esilio è al centro anche del film della regista kurda Ayten Mutlu, un altro film interessante nella rassegna romana: esilio come destino interiore, fatto di passato perduto nel film “Zara”, anche se il suo approccio è tutt’altro che documentaristico. Alla regista Mutlu, che oggi vive in Svizzera, non interessano le storie personali ma l’approccio sperimentale, intimista, al vissuto del singolo. Nel suo film la simbologia è tutto: lo specchio, simbolo dell’addio al mondo nella religione alevita, la calce che rappresenta i confini che imprigionano uomini e donne, i militari di cui la regista mostra solo le gambe perché non “vuole lasciare il palcoscenico al militarismo turco” spiega, “perché i militari sono simbolo di violenza indipendentemente dalla divisa che indossano”. Dersim torna anche nel suo film: nell’immagine suggestiva e straziante di uomini impiccati, la regista fa riferimento ad una foto che esisterebbe realmente negli archivi turchi e che non è mai stata consegnata alla stampa; un ricordo delle rivolte alevite represse nel sangue, dei leader del movimento di liberazione di Dersim impiccati e sotterrati in un luogo sconosciuto; un omaggio ai capi della difesa del popolo e ad una storia ancora adombrata dalla versione ufficiale dei fatti. (21 febbraio 2011)

Onlus (Information Office of Kurdistan in Italy)
Tel +39 0697845557 Fax +39 0697845547 Mobile +39328 7785099
info.uiki @
Jenner Street 86, 00185 Rome


Monday, March 7, 2011

4 Channel Wireless Modulators

120 years in the sentencing process KCK

An incredibly prison sentence has been pronounced in the political process against KCK BDP in Igdir. A total of 118 applications have been in jail for 8 political process. Among the accused the mayor of Igdir Nuri Gunes. Protesting against the incredible decision the Parliamentary Igdir Pervin Buldan said: "The government does not want peace but the war must go on." The fifth day of the trial and KCK is' turning point in the Criminal Court of Erzurum. The indictment was reported statements and telephone records of a witness secret. According to the defense attorney's mistakes and misunderstandings have been caused by the fact that telephone calls that its customers had had in Kurdish, but was only provided to the court interpreter turkish.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fotos De Travestys Newyork

The Black Lips are coming

Here's the video of Go Out And Get It, which also includes those kittens of the Vivian Girls.
As for having fun, lucky them!

Here, instead of processing the images, just to let you know that there is nothing serious except the buzz.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Breast Feeding Husband

antidepressant pills. Rockman Entertainment

Despite General Winter is still with us, the ice began to melt. That's not to say that now emerge as the bastards goes the old proverb, but because it is from last weekend to witness a series of signs of life in the world of rock: indie concerts as Thank you for the drum machine, the Red Room Dreamers, various DJ sets, meetings and screenings of documentaries rock criticism - by the way, Rockman beautiful, Odelay recommended.
This weekend promises even more lively. Stop paroxetine. First things first.
Friday 4. Event to be afraid to 118 with the masters of chill, the great Goblin of Deep Red and Suspiria. Truly monstrous (see photo). To increase the suspense, open Muffx, more fear. Nothing better after Simon and his companions, a little 'of raids in the dangerous and "Misserio" roads of the west coast of Salento. For example, you can head to Cupertino, where it awaits a party to scascio Poplab with a little 'tour of young indie dj including native Friends Radio Flo. As an alternative to this package you can opt for a reading of journalist Alberto Castelli blues guitar music by the Cantieri Koreja, but I know that 'reading' is a word that makes you more afraid of 'Suspiria' and then do vobis.

Saturday 5. Great evening with indie Joan as Police Woman a famous singer at the local news for a relationship with Jeff Buckley, for his friendship with Antony, and more. Thank you once again that there Pugliasounds the door at home, specifically at the Theatre of Novoli. After the cop, you could do the 'after' with a Squinzano il Carnevale secondo Ballarock; il vestito è una tra tre opzioni: Kurt Cobain, Chris Novoselic e Dave Grohl.
Ancora female music, invece, ma di tutt’altra natura, all’Arena Live di Carpignano con la dancehall queen Ciki. Infine anche i Sotterranei di Copertino dicono la loro con questi Tetuan , per passare un sabato grasso con del divertentissimo noise-math-rock.
Come vedete tanta roba, tanto divertimento grasso. Non abbiamo naturalmente menzionato tutto e anzi se volete segnalare altro fatelo nei commenti. Perciò buon carnevale a tutti e ricordate che cenere eravate e cenere ritornerete, già mercoledì prossimo.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Best Letter As Example Hello

fat. The presentation of the documentary on Militant P

Report of the day. Today at the Cinema Elio di Calimera (h 21) Rockman preview of Salento, the documentary film that tells the birth of reggae in Puglia (and then in Italy). From the book "From the Caribbean to Salento, Thomas Manfredi, based around the legendary figure of Militant P, the man from whom were born Sud Sound System, and therefore everything else, even our present and perhaps even this blog. Twenty years of underground culture and Italian Puglia, Bari from the first steps of the dub reggae of the late eighties through the Isola Posse All Star up to the invasion of Bologna Sud Sound System and day. The production of David Barletti (Fluid Video Crew), directed by Mattia Epifani. In short, viewing recommended to all dread, the rude boys, the massive and salentologi in general.


Lace Bottom Tank Tops

Federico Guglielmi Wild Bunch talks about the craft of rock journalist. In Lecce

After Alberto Campo, another pen historic rock Italien in Lecce for the review "The music, history and who writes" : Federico Guglielmi. In fact do not know why I've marked them all in one solution, but now ..
Guglielmi will talk about the craft of rock journalist, who, we imagine, will be made of music, four spicci e qualche benefit (trasferte pagate, biglietti gratis, cd gratis). Come dice Tremonti, fatti un panino con la Divina Commedia… I giornalisti rock ne sanno qualcosa. E Gugliemi ne saprà sicuramente a pacchi visto che è presente nelle riviste Italiane da trent’anni, tra Ciao 2001, Rockerilla, Rumore e, soprattutto, il Muschio Selvatico . Una buona occasione per le band emergenti locali di imbottire il povero giornalista di cd fetenti e demo squallidi per avere una recensione sul Mucchio. Le info qui .
