Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Football Players Who Wear Jock Strap

Recalling President Dalton gives the city of Taranto Discobolo

the presence of the President of coni dott. Graniglia, dell’assessore alfredo spalluto per il sindaco di taranto, del consigliere regionale cervellera e delle massime cariche istituzionali il fonadatore della i edizione dei giochi della magna grecia olimpica taranto 2013, elio dalto, dona alla citta’ di taranto una scultura ispirata alla celebre opera di mirone. L’apertura della manifestione è avvenuta con l’esibizione della asd il dragone di ninjzu. Al termine Dalto ha dichiarato: “Da sempre lo sport e’ ritenuto il mezzo piu’ immediato di aggregazione sociale e crescita personale. Oggi lo sport e’ protagonista di questa avventura che sono i giochi della magna grecia olimpica ma non solo…esso rappresenta, in questa circostanza, the medium that enables us to bring our city 'to be reunited with its ancient origins. And e 'in honor of my beloved sport of Taranto and I decided to concretize my commitment to this gift. The choice of the statue is not 'entirely accidental: I felt, in fact, that no work of art, better than this, can represent the sport in Taranto and become the symbol of the Magna Greece during the Olympic games. Now to those who have asked me why 'has decided to embark on a project as extraordinary as hard to achieve: Well, as a lover of sport but also as Tarantino's love of his city', and my intent 'to bring A new pride and proper recognition to our Taranto and its many citizens who have too often used for their personal profit and never leave anything in return. It 'time for someone to believe in turning this city' and its resources. Sport and 'one of these many resources and, speaking of sports, we mean 360 ° including the so-called minor sports such as, for example, touch rugby and archery, two sports very interesting and attractive but Unfortunately, this only until a few days ago, and Leporano Crispiano. This absence has created some major problems because their dissemination ', and' of course, is more 'easy to approach something that is' also "geographically" close. Our commitment to you and 'why concentrated primarily in Taranto try to bring these two disciplines, and we did. In fact, thanks to the cooperation of the municipality and the school board that I take this opportunity to thank, touch rugby and archery are now at school camp at Taranto and will be part of the sports that tomorrow will take the field not only to promote but also to offer free participation to anyone who desires. I thank the sports center that will host Magna Grecia 'this event and I thank Dr. Fabrizio Pomes who believed in this project and now has made available its professionalism '. "


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