Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Much Do Angel Bites Cost?

Boys instance. Cabrini participate in the commemoration of the attack

together again to remember and celebrate Nasiriyah . This year, the association "The Meaning of Life", a non-profit organization that works to protect children, in collaboration with the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Taranto organizes the commemoration of the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attack that the 12 November 2003, cost the lives of 12 policemen, four soldiers and two civilians, all Italians engaged in a mission in the Iraqi city of peace. The attack shocked and grieved all of Italy which has since been celebrated in commemoration of their fallen honor. Ionic association in the city is "The Meaning of Life" to organize, now 4 years, the day of memory of that tragedy. The work of this association is always oriented to ensuring children's right to life, health and education. The construction of the memorial is a collaboration of the President of that association, Elio Dalto with the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Taranto, which has, since the first years, received with great enthusiasm the invitation of Dalton, providing maximum availability. "What Nasiriyah was undoubtedly one of the bloodiest attacks occurred in the last 10 years of Italian history. After seven years, the wound of that tragic event is still open and deeply painful, because none of us will ever forget the happy and smiling faces of those kids who were simply doing their job to work for peace, justice and freedom, in the interests of the Iraqi people. Their deaths should serve each of us, that we all face spokesman and witnesses of peace, justice, love, truth, freedom, respect, brotherhood among peoples and human salvation. And that is why today we must all pay tribute to the just and worthy of honor that they deserve these heroes, because their sacrifice is an example for generations to come. Honor and Glory to the fallen of Nasiriyah, ever! "Dalto said that, on the occasion of the commemoration of the fourth, he decided to change a little bit register takes it into the barracks Ugo De Carolis Viale Virgilio no more children in elementary grades but boys of the upper classes of the instance. Cabrini accompanied by Prof. Anna Netti. Young people will have the opportunity to testify on the monument dedicated to the fallen of the barracks that housed their work done on theme of peace. "The feeling of grief and mourning for those facts is still alive in all of us and our children will not turn off thanks to the work of teachers. Bring the kids in high school is a choice that comes from the desire to feed their own in the near future that are the feelings of peace, solidarity and respect among peoples that are necessary because past mistakes do not happen again, "he added yet Dalto. A delegation will also participate in the commemoration of the Red Cross and Military of the "Stella Maris".


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