Sunday, November 21, 2010

Best Bang For The Buck Ht Receiver

Short sull'ici considerations in view of the expiry of the balance

Il prossimo 16 dicembre scade il termine per pagare il saldo ici 2010. Qui di seguito una sintesi della disciplina. L’ici may be paid in two installments (June 16 and December 16) or, but in this case it is better to ask for confirmation to the City, in a lump sum on June 16 the rate is based on reductions in force this year. As for the method of payment you can use the bulletin postal account or the F24. This newsletter can be compensated with respect to the debt with tax credits ici, to social security. Also regarding the payment is worth remembering that the law is expected that a minimum payment at present is 12 €, but the individual municipalities can provide for a different amount, so even in this case is inquire well Tax Office. Please note that the main ici on housing and related assets has been abolished with the exception of buildings stacked in categories A1, A8 and A9 and that the City may have assimilated the exemption for primary residence also to those given on loan a straight line or collateral relatives. A tip, finally, on the determination of the tax base of the building areas ici which takes the value of commercial land at the relevant rate multiplied by 01/01/2010. In this regard many municipalities have set reference values \u200b\u200bper square meter for each building area, which, in the event the taxpayer take them as a basis of calculation, the "shield" any investigation which in this case could occur when the tax office considers that the market value used by the taxpayer does not respond to the real values. So if you can use those values \u200b\u200bthat will allow you to hedge against possible future investigations ici.


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