Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Assimilation of sector studies and Redditometro?

I would like to tell you about an interesting article published on Il Sole 24 Ore on 24.11.2010 in which the author comes to equalize the study area, such as assessment methods, the new Redditometro with the result that the presumptions that This latest move by lawyers hold on to simple. In particular The author reaches this conclusion in consideraizione that, as soon as they issued the decrees for the implementation of "nu ovo" Redditometro, will be available on the website of a software revenue to see if their standard of living is conguration with their income but not limited to this software together with the new regulation provides that before the adoption of the assessment the taxpayer must be called by both parties. then finding two points of contact in the contradictory and calculation software for verification of the adequacy of income, the new Redditometro become essentially a type of finding is very similar to the study of the field with all the consequences in terms of presumption. The article can be found, and page 37 and is signed by the authoritative Dario Deotto. that remains is how to evolve the law. At this point, but I come back to mind the words of Claudio Siciolitti, President of the National Council of Certified Accountants, said he feared that when the new Redditometro would become what today is the study of the area for business. It seems now that the road taken leads in that direction.


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