Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tightness Behind Knee

Taranto reminds

Per il quarto anno “Il Senso della Vita” organizza la commemorazione dell’evento

A sette anni dall’attentato terroristico che il 12 Novembre del 2003 costò la vita a 19 ragazzi italiani impegnati nella città irachena in una missione di pace, Elio Dalto, presidente dell’associazione “Il Senso della Vita”, organizza, in collaborazione con the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Taranto, for the fourth consecutive year, the commemoration of that tragic episode. The event, scheduled for November 12 at 10.30 c / o the barracks Ugo De Carolis Viale Virgilio, stems from the desire not to forget, and indeed continue to learn from the example of those guys who, in exercising their duties , met a tragic fate, far from home and loved ones. The initiative that the association "The Meaning of Life" offers for the past four years has always collected to demonstrate broad consensus of public sensitivity to the memory of a piece of history that belongs to each of us deeply now. For this fourth celebration Dalton wanted with them boys of a class of 4 ° higher instance.'s Cabrini Graphic Designer who, accompanied by Prof. Anna Netti Friday morning to make a contribution to the memory. The 28 students of the institute, in fact, will work on paper prepared by expressing each in its own way, the idea of \u200b\u200bpeace through their thoughts dedicated to the fallen. During the celebration of the work will be placed on this war memorial in the barracks. It will, finally, a student, following the blessing of the Father, Chaplain, read the prayer of the policeman. Present at the event also the Cultural Association "Stella Maris" which, in the persons of Nicola and Gianna Melucci Cavallo, will be donated to the Russian commander of a commemorative plaque. Intervene, in addition, a delegation of the Red Cross Armed Forces. "Remembering the events of Nasiriyah has a duty to the memory of those who have lost their lives. Talking to children, our young people, who are the future, to what happened I think we all have a duty to respond. That's why we wanted to commemorate the fourth change a little bit the script and take with us no more than elementary school children, although they have always responded with great enthusiasm, but the boys of high school. In this I must thank the collaboration of Prof. Net has now joined the initiative and joy, "said Dalto.

Simona Amandonico



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