Friday, January 28, 2011

Abdominal Pain Templates


Carlotta Grisi - The trial began on October 18 last year to 151, now 153 members of civil society and Kurdish politicians, and the conclusion of which was scheduled for November 12 (24 total days) is taken January 13, 2011 after a break of two months.
The defendants and their lawyers require that respects the right to speak in the native language as written in international treaties (Treaty of Lausanne, art.39), demanding to speak and defend himself in Kurdish. Since the beginning of the accused are always expressed as a Kurdish answering 'Ez them virim' (here) to the appeal and the questions of the court. To date, however, courts have rejected the request for defense in Kurdish, describing an unknown language (bilmeyen) ignoring the answers of the defendants and prevents them from talking turning off the microphones during the session.
Today Jan. 28 Mayor of Batman Nejdet Atalay was expressed in turkish. He gave a speech about an hour and a half in which he presented to the court the defendants said their thoughts and positions. "The process started three months ago but we have not yet had the opportunity to express ourselves." Atalay insists that all defendants are people who can speak turkish, I know, but they are Kurds and they want to defend themselves in their own language, they want to have the opportunity to explain the reasons for them, defend themselves and discuss with the court in Kurdish. "It 's a natural right," "We are constrained. We can talk kurdo nelle strade ma noi non abbiamo la possibilità di usare questa lingua per difenderci”, e ancora: “Per vivere con onore è necessario mantenere la nostra storia, la nostra identità, non rinunceremo ad esprimerci nella nostra lingua madre”.
Definisce questo processo un processo storico, un momento pregnante per la ‘Questione Kurda’ e il processo di democratizzazione in Turchia: “Questo processo determinerà il futuro della Questione Kurda e influenzerà l’apertura democratica”. Invita la corte a guardare alla realtà: “Questo non è un processo di colpe, ma è un processo politico”, gli imputati provengono tutti dal partito kurdo e dalla società Kurdish civilians, "we have not committed any fault only in politics: the Kurdish policy in Kurdish." Emphasize that in a democracy is essential to have an opposition that can be expressed freely, to oppose and criticize the work of government. "We are people who 'do opposition'," people through politics, with legitimate and legal means, support their ideas and try to improve the system in Turkey, I might add. Atalay
criticizes the monolithic view of the state: you can not claim that Turks and Kurds live together without discrimination in Turkey as in the constitution and the law is written that there is one nation, one language, one flag. Also criticized the action of the AKP, sostendendo this mock trial is not that blatant example of politics 'dual track' of the government toward the Kurds. The session ends.

The family and these are raised, they begin to clap, clap one that lasts and is transformed into a rhythmic music, strong, family members can only 'cry out' with their hands their support by showing to the court that the Kurdish people support the defendants, their representatives.
The meeting resumed in the afternoon. The classroom is empty. The judges in their place, the lawyers sitting in the stands side, the family deep down, but only in the center of the classroom rows of seats empty. The imputati non si sono presentati. Prende la parola un avvocato il quale dichiara di non procedere nella difesa degli imputati fino a quando non verrà accettata in lingua kurda. Tutti si alzano ed escono dall’aula. Il processo è postposto a martedì primo febbraio.
Nessuno sviluppo positivo.


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