Friday, January 7, 2011

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the fifth disc, but not too mature

There are a few reasons why we can not give at least a little merit to Hutch and Kathy, the minds of the project Since 2002, guitar and bass of Thermals . The boys are from Portland, are the second disc with Kill Rock Stars, after years of militancy in Sub Pop, writing songs that looked with admiration to Pixies and Afgan Whigs, and hated words in the system-Bush. Urgency to parcels sent in pieces as we know How , No Culture Icons, sometimes accompanied by the feeling of being able to piece-MTV ( Pillar of salt). From the title, Personal Life, this time make their intentions clear to many. The Thermals seem to have taken a break after so much fury of youth, in favor of a more intimate size, almost sweet, certainly a bit 'in the shade so far. All the hard look at the fabled love affairs in small pieces as Only for you, Your Love is so strong , leaving the individual I do not believe you makeup of better days. The writing is also a strong point of our ( Not Like Any Other Feeling ), as well as voice and lyrics of Hutch, always from " Adolescents." This last fact, the size of the group, this time gave little fruit but good.

Al M.


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