Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Kurdish protesters clash with Police in Istanbul

ISTANBUL - Agence France-Presse La polizia turca ha usato idranti e gas lacrimogeni per disperdere decine di giovani kurdi che lanciavano pietre e bottiglie incendiarie dopo una manifestazione nel centro di Istanbul. Gli scontri sono scoppiati dopo che 2000 persone si sono mosse in corteo per la Istiklal Kaddesi,la principale area pedonale,per denunciare il processo 150 people accused of links with the alleged KCK urban section of the Kurdistan Workers' Party PKK.
The PKK and 'listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. When the event and 'over and the crowd began to melt, about 200 young people, many of them with their faces wrapped in scarves, they launched a hail of stones at the buses close despite some protesters tried to stop them. Security forces responded with water cannons and tear gas charges the streets laterali.Una Molotov cocktail thrown by the protesters set fire to a vehicle fire causing serious damage.
The process, which is examined by a local court in Diyarbakir, and 'was postponed Martedi.Il case against 152 suspects, including 12 mayors of various cities' Anatolia all elected in the ranks of BDP and many other local politicians.

ISTANBUL - Agence France-Presse


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