Friday, February 25, 2011

Atrial Fibrillation 5 Hours

55 boys arrested in a week

 Nonostante le modifiche legali alla legge antiterrorismo, 75 ragazzini sono stati posti sotto custodia durante l'ultima settimana. 55 di loro sono stati arrestati e incarcerati. Amnesty International ha lanciato una campagna per i ragazzini vittime della legge antiterrorismo.
La legge antiterrorismo (TMY) prepara il terreno per l'arresto e the heavy punishment of thousands of children and young people simply because they took part in demonstrations. The amendments to the Anti-Terrorism Act
made in July 2010 did not bring the expected clemency. Now that the Court applies the Articles 220 / 6 and 314 / 2 of the contested law. So, children are accused respectively of "committing a crime on behalf of an organization" and "membership of an armed organization."
The juvenile court instead of criminal courts.
Keziban Yılmaz's lawyer said that the amendments to the TMY mean that the children and young people participated in the events should not be tried on charges of "crimes of terror" for crimes allegedly committed during the manifestazioni.Tuttavia are still listed as members of illegal organizations for all other types of crimes.

Canan Atabay of Diyarbakır Bar Association has pointed out that many kids are being sued on charges of throwing Molotov, since this crime was not removed from the scope of the sentence by the amendments of TMY.

While children and young people arrested were tried before the Criminal Court before the amendments, now sono attualmente sotto processo per le stesse ragioni nei Tribunali per i Minorenni.

Molte azioni di protesta sono state effettuate attorno al 15 Febbraio per ricordare il giorno quando il leader dell'armato Partito dei Lavoratori del Kurdistan (PKK) Abdullah Ocalan e' stato consegnato alla Turchia.Ocalan e' incarcerato sull'isola di Imrali (Mare di Marmara) sin dal 1999.

Nel corso delle manifestazioni di quest'anno,molti ragazzini sono stati posti sotto custodia a Istanbul,Diyarbakir,Mersin,
Hakkari Batman, Mersin, Urfa, Adana, Van, Siirt e Şırnak citta' a maggioranza Kurda nel sud est della Turchia.Un total of 55 children were arrested and imprisoned by the Juvenile Court under Articles 220 / 6 and 314 / 2 of the TMY.

Amnesty International has criticized the authorities' Turkish

Amnesty International launched a campaign for kids who have been placed in custody and arrested for simply participating in an event from 2006 until

Amnesty International said that thousands of children have been subject to action giudiziaria.L 'organization has admitted that the amendments made last year
been appreciated but points out that as result not all the kids were released from prison.

As reported by Fırat News Agency (ANF) Amnesty International has urged officials to respect international standards on human rights and the law on the Turkish judicial system
for minors.

The authorities' Turkish have not fulfilled the requirement for a reliable, consistent and effective investigation into the mistreatment of children detained in police custody and interrogation.

BirGün Newspaper, ANF, Diha

February 24, 2011


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