Monday, February 28, 2011

Sample Career Fair Invitation

31 mass graves in Hakkari and around

Hakkari (Diha) - The section of Yüksekova Meya-DER announced yesterday during a conference Print it had identified 31 mass graves filled with 390 bodies in Hakkari and in its surroundings. The representative of the DER-Meya Yüksekova has asked state authorities to open those graves and identify the bodies so they can be delivered to their relatives for burial ceremony. "Every kind of human rights are violated in the region. Security forces in this area have worked almost like a death machine. They chose to kill people instead of saving them. Then they put them together wherever they wanted, without any registration or proper process.
No one deserves to be treated that modo.Ora some of these cases are being unearthed along with the bones and bodies, reveal that le atrocita' sono piu' grandi di quello che avevamo stimato."
Cakir ha fatto appello a ognuno che sospetti che i loro figli o le loro figlie siano in queste fosse a rivolgersi all'associazione.Cakir ha anche presentato la lista delle fosse comuni e la loro dislocazione.


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