Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bike Jumps/ramps For Sale

The shameful record of the AKP: 196,000 persons brought before the Court on the basis of trumped-up charges

ANKARA (Diha)-The President of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Demirtas has criticized the administration of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) for its shameful record . In addition, continued: 196,000 people have been brought before the Court in 53,193 cases over the past 8 years. Although the definition of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey as a "land of freedom" 83,000 people have been punished. Demirtas stated in the recent democratic uprising and the domino effect of overturning dictatorships across the Middle East, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt , And now perhaps in Bahrain and Yemen, all in the last mese.I Middle Eastern countries are hot and are giving us a good example of how the cancer will sell oppression 'way to the last uprisings for freedom'. " reports of 'AKP traveling with these countries on the principle "that the ox's horn."

Erdoğan can not' say that he had criticized the dictators of these countries. El-Basher has been hailed as a king and so was for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We hope that these riots are a lesson for such situations. The record of the judicial system shows the great oppression of our own citizens. No one can guarantee continuity to the existing regime turkish. "

He also pointed to other figures during the period of eight years of AKP administration. In the same 8 years 4,289 women were killed by relatives' close. This number was 66 in the year when the AKP administration took power. It 's just a coincidence?

recently state officials have raped a girl of 12 years and some of them were acquitted, others have received a slap on the wrist with a warning. Meanwhile, a Kurdish boy suffers regularly 17 years in prison for throwing stones. Recently, a boy of 13 years can 'be shot dead with 12 bullets in front of his house, and the murderess, an officer Police and 'was released. "

Finally, he repeated the common question of many Kurds to form a" Commission of Truth' "in order to investigate properly the many suspected cases of Kurds died during the past two decades,
including the period of administration of AKP.


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