Friday, February 11, 2011

Sympathy Thank You Coworkers

Abdullah Ocalan Kurds march Saturday in Strasbourg for Turkey Ocalan

Saturday in Strasbourg, the Kurds still time take to the streets to demand freedom for their political leader, Abdullah Ocalan . Ocalan was captured in Kenya on 15 February 1999 . The Kurdish leader had arrived in Italy in November 1998 in an attempt to bring the Kurdish question in Europe. Italy first, and then Europe, but the door slammed in my face. This widespread appeal by the Kurds during the demonstration in Strasbourg:

Abdullah Ocalan and considered by women and men Kurds their political representative. The three and a half million signatures on the occasion of the 2006 campaign are evidence of this. He is their most important representative nella lotta per i diritti e la democrazia ed è il simbolo della libertà. Öcalan è contro il separatismo e la secessione e ha presentato un progetto per una soluzione democratica per il Medio Oriente e per i suoi popoli, senza discriminazione alcuna.

Dal 1993 Öcalan proclamando armistizi unilaterali ha favorito le condizioni per una soluzione politica del conflitto. Anche dopo il suo rapimento illegale e la sua incarcerazione che risale al 1999 Ocalan si è impegnato per una soluzione politica e pacifica della questione curda. In seguito ad un suo proclama, la guerriglia, nonostante i continui attacchi alla quale è sottoposta, ha messo in atto, dall’aprile del 2009, unilateralmente un blocco alle azioni militari.

Dal 1999, il comitato antitortura (CPT) critica il disumano stato d’isolamento a cui è sottoposto Ocalan sull’isola di Imrali. E ’stato l’unico detenuto sull’isola prigione di Imrali sottoposto alla sorveglianza di più di mille soldati e completamente isolato dal modo esterno. Dal 2009 sono detenuti ad Imrali altre cinque persone che solo raramente Öcalan ha l ́opportunità di in – contrare. Continuano ad essere negati i diritti fondamentali e le condizioni di detenzione ad Imrali rimangono di gran lungo peggiori delle altre carceri. La responsabilità di tutto questo è unicamente del governo, considerato che i militari non hanno più nessuno control over that prison.

The government pretends to implement democratic reforms and in the meantime, many mayors and hundreds of other Kurdish politicians are Arre - state, Kurdish deputies dragged into court and imposed harsh penalties, including children and teenagers. The use of the Kurdish language and severely limited. There is still a state school in Turkey, where Kurdish is taught. The military bomb, when he pleases, even on Iraqi soil. The government initiative called the "initiative for Kurds" did not return any results - to. On the horizon promises an 'escalation of violence, encouraged by the duplicity of political action of the governing party, the AKP.

The AKP government tries once again to deceive world public opinion. Instead of reaching out to peace and to solve the Kurdish issue seriously, Erdogan and his ministers want to provoke the Kurds and break their will for peace. Encourage the actual pogrom against the Kurds, grant blank checks to the military, free to do what - any military operation in the world and speak of "democratic opening." Ocalan, has drawn a roadmap for peace, with concrete proposals for resolving the issue. The government wants to hide the world public the text written by Ocalan. It is well known for some time that the government has in place a "dialogue" with Ocalan. Now we must go one step further: serious negotiations for a political solution to the conflict.

We want peace and a democratic solution in Kurdistan and Turkey. We believe that Ocalan by his proposals and ideas can be the guarantor of democratic autonomy in a democratic republic. We must put an end to the inhuman isolation which has been subjected and to recognize and finally as a political party for a political solution.

Peace in Kurdistan

International Initiative "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan - Peace in Kurdistan" PO Box 100511, D-50445 Cologne, ,


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