Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is Yellow Urine A Symptom Of Menopause

Italy Wave Love Festival 2011 in Salento . The country is upside down

a bombshell for all local rockers and not bolt from the blue, or rather, the sudden light that illuminates' I'm gray sky.
The ultimate rock festival in Italy, Woodstock Noantri, the historic Arezzo Wave that was reversed by hundreds of Italian bands, as well known for its toxic degeneration and then finally riconvertitosi risanatosi in Italy and now makes Wave? He says that Tuscany is the narrow leaves. Of all the Salento Italy chooses to put roots - perhaps because they know that here ...
Now, though now become the Salento unbearable blow to the pride, we can not but be proud and satisfied because it is a sign of esteem for us, because we have some fun ', because there will be an induced tourism, economic and musical. And why the fuck we were right to preach that there is great potential below. Read the release notes :
Salento is the view for many years an area of \u200b\u200bvery high creative quotient, especially in the music. That's why the most famous rock festival in Italy, who chose to marry his philosophy, had no difficulty in finding a home in his 25th year of life. The arrival of the foundation Arezzo Wave is not that the last piece in a musical and artistic scene that does not seem willing to stop his productive research. From the night of Taranta and Sud Sound System, now considered icons of the music of the Salento, the revelations of the last five years, among which music Negramaro, Apres la Classe, Genius and Popoulous and many others not to speak at regional Caparezza, Nicola Conte.

than ever, is the Florence of Puglia Lecce - ... or perhaps we should say that Florence is the Lecce in Tuscany?? Italy capsized, chiaru.



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