Monday, February 28, 2011

Butchers Bowling Alley Wax

Braze yellow! Onra

Ennesima delle schegge fuoriuscite dal corpo esploso, ahinoi, di J Dilla , this Parisian Vietnamese mother, Onra precisely, we discovered this summer, when he left the LP Long Distance. Of course in August, with the hot computer, the desire to write something about possibilities than he had the desire to go jump to Chiapparo . We recover now, saying that although it is not difficult to recognize the J Dilla syncopated rhythms and broken beats reminiscent of Flying Lotus sounds associated with deep electro and funk, the attitude that the foam from the 21 track disc Onra is gayer and glitters. Certainly there are details, but the level of production is still very high.

informed me, then, this Micha Soul soulsinger cleavage by murderess that you can find the single Soulfood , first from the album Soul Seven Sins in the network. The piece has the right energy, but I could not hear the rest of the disk and the old songs on myspace they taste a little more 'green. I also looked at the big girl Bologna blog, which talks a bit 'strange roads leading to the "success", "p rhyme of all, I should declare my marital status to the whole world, I had to attend to more gigs and in clubs with such sculettare di tanga fuori dal pantalone e di tacco 17. Mi sarei dovuta passare la lingua sulle labbra mentre parlavo con persone "che contano", invece di starmene nel mio angolo a vivere il disagio della misantropia.
Avrei dovuto osare e spogliarmi di più nelle foto, avrei dovuto mostrare al mondo intero che ho due tette che le siliconate possono solo sognare di avere". Questo è lavoro per il Moralizzatore.



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